New applications starting to require new updated PHP and mySQL.
Problem is, RedHat ES5 does not have support at this time for anything higher than 5.1.6, and we didn’t want to break RPM dependency etc by installing from source.
To update PHP and mySQL to the latest you can make use of a RPM repository maintained by Remi run the following commands:
rpm -Uvh remi-release-5.rpm epel-release-5*.rpm
You now have the Remi repository on your system, however it is disabled by default. Obviously you don’t want all of your packages been effected by this repository, however to enable it for a specific package, run the following:
yum --enablerepo=remi update php
also update mysql to work with the updated php if you see warning or errors about outdated mysql
yum --enablerepo=remi update mysql
You should now have the latest PHP5 and mySQl installed.
restart your mysql and php
/etc/init.d/httpd restart
/etc/init.d/mysqld restart
Now run your phpinfo.php to see the update of your system including some new stuff like "JSON"