Here are the procedures how to create a new company base on the old company profile and data.
1) Back up the database that you want to create a new company by open BNA Fixed Assets application. Choose File => Database Management => Back up. On Backup screen, enter a new company name and a new file name for backup. Clicks on Backup button to backup the file.
2) Now go to File => Database Management => Restore. On Restore screen, browse the file on step 1 above, enter a new company name that you want and click on Restore button.
These 2 steps above can be used to transfer database from one server to another. There might be a need to edit windows registry if home server is not show up under all available servers. To edit windows registry, go to DOS command and type in regedit. You need to add your new server to available home servers. This new server name has to add into HKEY_CURRENT USER=>Software=>BNA Software => BNA Fixed Assets Server => Home Servers. Change Data key to your new SQL server. This is normally on the SQLServer 1 key.
happy computing